Author’s Notes: City of Strife

City of Strife was the fifth Kormak book I wrote, even though it is being released as the fourth in the series. Yes, that’s right, I wrote a complete novel, Taker of Skulls, and I sat on it while I wrote this one. I even had what I thought was a good reason for doing so. Taker of Skulls is a book about dwarves. It might best be described as Red Nails set in Moria. Weaver of Shadows, book three in the series, is about Elves. It just did not feel right to me moving directly from Dwarves to Elves Read more…

City of Strife Released

Book Four of the Kormak Saga, City of Strife came back from editing earlier than expected so I released it today. It’s a classic urban sword and sorcery adventure involving undead gangsters, cannibal were-rat cultists and impending civil war in the greatest city of the kingdom of Taurea. Kormak is caught between the warring factions and must solve the mystery of what is really going on before catastrophe ensues. Naturally there is plenty of sword-wielding action and monster-slaying as well. Pick up the book at,, Smashwords and Barnes and Noble right now. The price is a very affordable Read more…

Kormak: City of Strife Preview

The fourth Kormak novel, City of Strife is off with my editor right now. I’m hoping it will be ready to publish in the not-too-distant future so now seems like a good time to run a preview. (You may also wish to download Stealer of Flesh, the first book in the series. It’s available for free from,, Smashwords, Apple and Kobo.) My apologies for any typos you may come across (I’ll update things once I get the edits back), and I hope you enjoy the sneak peek. Thanks for reading! Prologue THE FAT MONK ran through the garbage-strewn Read more…

Indie Publishing a Print Book

So, how much does it cost to independently produce the print version of a book these days? Well, Stealer of Flesh (currently available from Amazon, the Book Depository and any bookstore where you care to place an order ISBN: 978-1483969541) cost me somewhere under $125. To those of you who, like me, grew up in the world of Quark Xpress, offset printing and warehouse distribution, that number is probably jaw-dropping. Welcome to the new world of Print On Demand (POD) publishing. Let’s take a look out how the figures break down. I used CreateSpace, Amazon’s print on demand subsidiary for the Read more…

Kormak Omnibus Released

So that’s the first Kormak Omnibus released. It comprises of pretty much everything that has been written so far; the first three novels, the short story Guardian of the Dawn, all my author’s notes for the series and a lovely parchment-style map by Chazz Kellner. I confess this is an experiment with a new format more than anything else. A lot of indie writers have reported having success with omnibus editions and the various Gotrek and Felix and Space Wolf collections Black Library have put out have always been my biggest sellers. The value proposition for the reader is obvious. Read more…